*Computer Informatics and System Electronics Engineer, International Hellenic University,Thessaloniki (2018 – Present)
*Web Design /Video Games Development, IEK AKMI,Thessaloniki (2018 – Present)
*High School Of Drosia, Athens (2015 - 2018)
*English (ESB B2,2016)
*Digital Marketing Powered by ADMINE ADV, ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΙ,Thessaloniki, 2018
*VR Games in Unity (ONSKYLL), IEK AKMI,Thessaloniki, 2018
*Gaming Disorder:Video Game Addiction, ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΙ,Thessaloniki, 2019
*Professional Ethics, ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΙ,Thessaloniki, 2019
*Digital Skills,Google Grow Greek Tourism Online,Thessaloniki, 2019
*Network Technologies, ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΙ,Thessaloniki, 2020
*How To Create A Digital Marketing Plan,Google Grow Greek Tourism Online,online seminar, 2020
*Programming languages: Java, Javascript, HTML, CSS, C#, C, SQL
*Autodesk 3ds Max
*Game Engine: Unity, Unreal Engine
*Adobe Photoshop
* WordPress
*Digital Marketing